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Department of Psychology Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy

Curriculum vitae

Personal information


Dr. phil. Andreas Walther


Universität Zürich
Psychologisches Institut
Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie
Binzmühlestrasse 14 / Box 26
8050 Zürich



July 2018

Research retreat, Study group meeting (Paris, FR) for data analysis and research report drafting with Prof. Lisa Berkman & Prof. Rohini Pande, Harvard University, Boston, USA

April 2018

Research Stay, School of Medicine and Manchester Academic Health Sciences Centre, Chronic Fatigue Center at Salford Royal Hospital (Dr. Adrian Heald), University of Manchester, Manchester, UK

June/July 2016

Research Stay, Department of Psychiatry, Child and Adolescent Inpatient Service (Dr. T. Rice & Professor A. Kolevzon), Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, USA

Since September 2013

Postgraduate Studies in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Behavioral Medicine, Master of Advanced Studies, MASP, University of Zurich, Switzerland

August 2013 – July 2016

PhD Student, Chair of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy (Advisor: Prof. Dr. U. Ehlert), Department of Psychology, University of Zurich, (day of defense 3rd of August 2016 – Grade: summa cum laude)

September 2011 – July 2013

Master of Science in Psychology, University of Zurich.
Title of master thesis: "Coping strategies and psychophysiological stress reactivity in swiss recruits.“ (Advisors: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. U. Ehlert, Dr. M. Bösch & Dr. phil. R. La Marca)

September 2008 – July 2011

Bachelor of Science in Psychology with Philosophy as second subject, University of Zurich

September 2007 – July 2008

Small Latinum at the University of Zurich.



Position and Employment

Since February 2020

Oberassistent / Postdoctoral research associate, Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy (Chair: Prof. Ulrike Ehlert), University of Zurich, Switzerland

Since February 2020

Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapeutic Center of the University of Zurich, Ambulatory of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Behavioral Medicine, Zurich, Switzerland

March 2017 – January 2020

Postdoctoral research associate, Department of Biological Psychology (Chair: Prof. Clemens Kirschbaum), TU Dresden, Germany

August 2016 – February 2017

Postdoctoral research associate, Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy (Chair: Prof. Ulrike Ehlert), University of Zurich, Switzerland

March 2014 – January 2020

Psychotherapist under supervision, Ambulatory of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Behavioral Medicine, University of Zurich (Chair: Ulrike Ehlert, PhD; Supervisor Daniel Regli, PhD, Nora Kaiser, PhD)

February 2014 – August 2018

Lecturer of emergency psychology at the office of military and civil defence of Switzerland, Canton of Schaffhausen (Commandant: Sacha Distel).

August 2013 – July 2016

Assistant and PhD Student, Chair of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy (Prof. Dr. U. Ehlert), Department of Psychology, University of Zurich

Approved research projects

Mood-Morph: Mood-related morpho-rheological changes in single cells in 70 depressed individuals and 70 healthy controls (Dresden, Germany)

DBS: Dresden Burnout Study – A large scale prospective cohort study (Dresden, Germany)

Responsible Leadership Study – Evaluation of biopsychological determinants of responsible leadership (Zurich, Switzerland)

Men’s Health 40+ (Zurich, Switzerland)