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Department of Psychology Cognitive and Behavioral Decision Research


News about CBDR on Mastodon

  • Broadening the contributor base to include more large emitters is a key part of the #NCQG for developed countries. This is now portrayed as an attempt to undermine #ParisAgreement obligations and the principles of the Convention (#CBDR). Many developing countries align themselves with this view.


  • Do you already know the #CBDR color palette for R? Particularly well-suited for barplots up to four bars.

  • #CBDR goes to a (rainy) x-mas dinner!! Happy holidays everyone ❄️ 🎄 🍾 ⭐

  • Finally taking the time to promote an amazing preprint lead by @oliviafischer together with @renatofrey on "The many operationalizations of polarization". In their paper, they ask how we can assess the degree of polarization, testing the convergent validity of eight different operationalizations. Moderate agreement between the measures suggests that using different operationalizations leads to different conclusions about how polarized society is.

    #CBDR 🥳👩‍🔬

  • We had a guest! Rebecca West presented her work at #CBDR this week, talking about modeling people's confidence under uncertainty.

  • Are the risks behavioral scientists typically investigate the same risks that people face in their lives? @oliviafischer talked about the similarities and differences in three perspectives on risky choices at SRA Europe.
    More to come! #CBDR

  • Which factors predict real-life risky choices and how can we investigate these? @aaronlob presented his research on using think-aloud protocols and ecological momentary assessment to address these questions at a conference organized by the Society for Risk Analysis Europe #CBDR

  • What are risks that people face in life, and how can knowledge about them inform research? @renatofrey presented this exciting ongoing project about the ecology of risk at #spudm2023. Stay tuned for more! #CBDR

  • We are conducting a survey among behavioral scientists to collect as many frequency measures of risk taking as possible (e.g., "How often/many...?"). If you are familiar with such measures or have used them in your own research, we would be grateful if you could spare a few minutes to participate:
    Thank you, and feel free to share in your network! #CBDR