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Department of Psychology


The doctorates in Psychology are in accord with the general regulations about doctorates in the Faculty of Arts of the University of Zurich (Ordinance for Obtaining a Doctoral Degree, Promotionsverordnung, available in German only). Based on this guiding document, specific rules for the General Doctorate and the PhD Program have been developed and are approved by the Faculty of Philosophy (Doktoratsordnung). For particulars see guidelines.

The docotoral board recommends the following guidelines of the «Qualitätszirkel Promotion»

Scientific Integrity

Trust and accountability are integral to the research enterprise and the sharing of scientific information. However, there are cases in which scientific fidelity is breached. If you suspect scientific dishonesty, please contact the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. The following links and documents are resources on the standards for ethical conduct in science, recommendations in case of suspecting scientific dishonesty as well as scientific malpractise.

  • The American Psychological Association's (APA) Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct more
    (see also the overview in: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition 2010, p. 11–20.)
  • Ethical Principles for Psychologists of the Swiss Psychological Society (Ethische Richtlinien für Psychologinnen und Psychologen der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie)
    download PDF (PDF, 109 KB)
  • Integrity in scientific research. Principles and procedures (Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences, 2008)
    download PDF (PDF, 1 MB)
  • Bossi, E. (2010). Scientific integrity, misconduct in science. Swiss Medical Weekly 2010, 140 (13–14), 183–186.
    download PDF (PDF, 64 KB)
  • Authorship in scientific publications. Analysis and recommendations. (Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences, 2013).
    download PDF (PDF, 466 KB)

Weiterführende Informationen


(The documents' latest updates on the internet are applicable.)

University law (Universitätsgesetz), Ordinance for Obtaining a Doctoral Degree (Promotionsverordnung), Doctoral Program Regulations (Doktoratsordnungen)
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