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Department of Psychology  Clinical Psychology with Focus on Psychotherapy Research


News list

  • German Psychotherapy Conference 2024

  • Webinar on Digital Mental Health with Markus Wolf

  • Zurich Population Research Conference 2025: Call for Abstracts

  • PRC Lunch Colloquium with Mariia Weber

  • Visit of Prof. Dr. Heidi Levitt: Workshops, Guest Colloquium and More

  • Upcoming Guest: Prof. Dr. Heidi Levitt

  • EACLIPT Conference 2024

  • Visiting Researcher Catalina Nuñez

  • Pitfalls of Computer-Based Psychotherapy - UZH News

  • Expert Symposium on Collaborative Care for Individuals Experiencing Mental Distress

  • Upcoming Guest Speaker Prof. Dr. Andrea Hartmann Firnkorn

  • New paper in JAMA Psychiatry compares Risk Factors in Randomized Clinical Trials of Face-to-Face and Internet-Based Psychotherapy for Depression

  • EABCT Congress 2023

  • New Publication about Innovative Moments in Telephone-Based Therapy for Depression

  • 54th Annual SPR Conference in Dublin

  • Team Retreat at the Kartause Ittingen in Thurgau

  • New Publication: a Meta-Analysis of Human Contact in Internet-Based Interventions for Depression

  • Case Study on the Treatment of Body Dismorphic Disorder in the "Handbook of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy by Disorders"

  • EVALIS Concluding Meeting

  • Checking the Pulse of Society

  • Recent Guest Speaker PD Dr. Tobias Krieger

  • Focus Groups on Care Provision for Individuals Suffering from Mental Distress

  • Upcoming Guest Speaker Dr Tobias Krieger

  • "Meet the Expert" Event at the University of Zürich

  • Publication of New Checklist Reporting Treatment Integrity

  • 53rd SPR Conference in Denver

  • New Publication on the Acceptance of E-Mental Health by Psychotherapists-in-Training

  • Publication About a Phone-Based Therapy Program for Body Dismorphic Disorder (BDD-TEL)

  • German Psychotherapy Conference

  • NaTel Project Recruitment Completed

  • Guest Lecture by Dr Christian Brettschneider

  • 38th Annual SEPI Conference

  • New Digital Society Initiative Report on the Use of Unstructured Digital Data

  • InterAkt project receives Innovation Hub Grant

  • New CoLiPri-Project participants