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Department of Psychology Applied Social and Health Psychology

List of publications by Konstantin Schenkel

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Peer-reviewed articles

Kulis, E., Szczuka, Z., Banik, A., Siwa, M., Boberska, M., Zarychta, K., Zaleskiewicz, H., Knoll, N., Radtke, T., Scholz, U., Schenkel, K., & Luszczynska, A. (2023). Physical activity planning interventions, body fat and energy-dense food intake in dyads: Ripple, spillover, or compensatory effects? Psychology & Health, 0(0), 1–21.

Szczuka, Z., Siwa, M., Abraham, C., Baban, A., Brooks, S., Cipolletta, S., Danso, E., Dombrowski, S. U., Gan, Y., Gaspar, T., Matos, M. G. de, Griva, K., Jongenelis, M., Keller, J., Knoll, N., Ma, J., Miah, M. A. A., Morgan, K., Peraud, W., Quintard, B., Shah, V., Schenkel, K., Scholz, U., Schwarzer, R.,Taut, D., Tomaino, S., C., M., Vilchinsky, N.,Wolf, H., Luszczynska, A. (2023). Handwashing adherence during the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal study based on protection motivation theory. Social Science & Medicine, 317, 115569.

Luszczynska, A., Szczuka, Z., Abraham, C., Baban, A., Brooks, S., Cipolletta, S., Danso, E., Dombrowski, S. U., Gan, Y., Gaspar, T., Gaspar de Matos, M., Griva, K., Jongenelis, M., Keller, J., Knoll, N., Ma, J., Miah, M. A. A., Morgan, K., Peraud ,W., Quintard, B., Shah, V., Schenkel, K., Scholz, U., Schwarzer, R., Siwa, M., Taut, D., Tomaino,, S. C. M., Vilchinsky, N., & Wolf, H. (2022). The interplay between strictness of policies and individuals’ self-regulatory efforts: associations with handwashing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 56 (4), 368-380.

Schenkel, K., Haug, S., Paz Castro, R., Lüscher, J., Scholz, U. Schaub, M. P., Radtke T. (2022). One SMS a day keeps the stress away? A just-in-time planning intervention to reduce occupational stress among apprentices. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-being.

Keller, J., Roitzheim, C., Radtke, T., Schenkel, K., & Schwarzer, R. (2021). A mobile intervention for self-efficacious and goal-directed smartphone use in the general population: Randomized controlled trial. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth, 9(11), e26397. doi:10.2196/26397

Szczuka, Z., Abraham, C., Baban, A., Brooks, S., Cipolletta, S., Danso, E., . . . Luszczynska, A. (2021). The trajectory of COVID-19 pandemic and handwashing adherence: findings from 14 countries. Bmc Public Health, 21(1).

Radtke, T., Apel, T., Schenkel, K., Keller, J., von Lindern, E. (2021). Digital detox: An effective solution in the smartphone era? A systematic literature review. In Mobile Media & Communication, 1-25.

Schenkel, K., Radtke, T., Luszczynska, A., Lüscher, J., Kulis, E., & Scholz, U. (2021). From a mother's point of view: Psycho-social predictors of maternal monitoring strategy and adolescents' electronic media use. Journal of Adolescence, 88, 134-145.

Radtke, T., Liszewska, N., Horodyska, K., Boberska, M., Schenkel, K., & Luszczynska, A. (2019). Cooking together: The IKEA effect on family vegetable intake. British Journal of Health Psychology (Version of Record online: 26 September 2019). doi:10.1111/bjhp.12385

Radtke, T., Luszczynska, A., Schenkel, K., Biddle, S., & Scholz, U. (2018). A cluster randomized controlled trial comparing the effectiveness of an individual planning intervention with collaborative planning in adolescent friendship dyads to enhance physical activity (TWOgether). BMC Public Health, 18, 911.

Congress contributions and oral talks

Schenkel, K., Scholz, U., Luszczynska, A., Biddle, S., & Radtke, T., (August, 2022). Using the Health Action Process Approach to improve physical activity in adolescents. Paper presented at the 36th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS), Bratislava, Slovakia.
Schenkel, K., Scholz, U., Luszczynska, A., Biddle, S., & Radtke, T., (September, 2022). Predicting adolescents´ physical activity: research using the health action process approach. Paper presented at the 17th Conference of the Swiss Psychological Society (SPS), Zurich, Switzerland.
Schenkel, K., Scholz, U., Luszczynska, A., Biddle, S., & Radtke, T., (September, 2022). TWOgether- vom Sportzero zum Sporthero. Planungsinterventionen bei jugendlichen Freundschaftsdyaden zur Steigerung der körperlichen Aktivität. Poster presented at the 25th Anniversary of the Swiss Society for Health Psychology (SGGPsy), Olten, Switzerland.
Radtke, T., Apel, T., Schenkel, K., Keller, J., & von Lindern, E. (September, 2022). Offline at last!? Effectiveness of digital detox – A systematic literature review. In J. Keller & T. Radtke, (Chairs). Impact of smartphone use on health-related outcomes. Do we need to worry about it? Symposium conducted at 52nd Congress of Psychology of the German Psychology Society (DGPs), Hildesheim, Germany.
Radtke, T., Apel, T., Schenkel, K., Keller, J., & von Lindern, E. (August, 2022). Take a break?! Effectiveness of digital detox on health-related outcomes – A systematic literature review. In J. Keller & T. Radtke, (Chairs). Impact of smartphone use on health-related outcomes. Do we need to worry about it? Symposium conducted at the 36th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS), Bratislava, Slovakia.

Schenkel, K. (2021, November): Gesundheitsverhalten im Wandel. Ein Vergleich. Oral talk at the 5. Hamburger Symposium zur regionalen Gesundheitsversorgung, Hamburg, Germany.

Radtke, T., Apel, T., Schenkel, K., Keller, J., von Lindern, E. (2021, September). Is digital detox more than a trend? A systematic literature review. Oral talk at the 12th MediaPsych 2021 Conference, Aachen, Germany.

Schenkel, K., Radtke, T., & Scholz, U. (2019, September). Digital generation: How does daily smartphone use affect exhaustion? In J. Inauen (Chair), Health and well-being in daily life: Novel insights from intensive longitudinal studies. Symposium, presented at the 33nd Conference of the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS), Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Schenkel, K., Radtke, T., & Scholz, U. (2019, September). The downside of the digital world: The association between daily smartphone use and exhaustion. In J. Keller & K. Schenkel (Chairs), digital devices in health psychology research: opportunities and limitations. Symposium presented at the 14nd Kongress der Fachgruppe Gesundheitspsychologie der DGPs, Greifswald, Germany.

Radtke, T., Schmocker, D., Berli, C., Schenkel, K., & Scholz, U. (2019, September). Digital detox as solution? – Effects of a timeout from smartphone use on health-related variables. In J. Keller & K. Schenkel (Chairs), digital devices in health psychology research: opportunities and limitations presented at the 14nd Kongress der Fachgruppe Gesundheitspsychologie der DGPs, Greifswald, Germany.

Schenkel, K., (2019, September). Körperliche Aktivität und elektronischer Medienkonsum. Oral talk presented at the DGPs Summerschool 2019 "Big Data in der Gesundheitspsychologie", Greifswald, Germany.

Schenkel, K., Radtke, T., Luszczynska, A., Biddle, S., & Scholz, U. (2019, April). TWOgether- from Sportzero to Sporthero – Current status.
Oral presentation, presented at the SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Wroclaw, Poland.

Schenkel, K., Radtke, T., Luszczynska, A., & Scholz, U. (2018, September). From a mother`s perspective: The relevance of psycho-social predictors of children’s physical activity and media consumption. Poster, presented at the 51st Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Frankfurt, Germany.

Schenkel, K., Radtke, T., Luszczynska, A., & Scholz, U. (2018, August). Maternal guidance: The importance of psychosocial variables to predict children`s media consumption and physical activity. Poster, presented at the 32nd Conference of the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS), Galway, Ireland.

Schenkel, K., Radtke, T., Luszczynska, A., & Scholz, U. (2018, June). From a mother`s point of view: The role of psycho-social variables to predict children’s media consumption and physical activity. Poster, presented at the 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, Canada.

Schenkel, K., Radtke, T., Luszczynska, A., & Scholz, U. (2018, May). From a mother`s point of view: The role of psycho-social variables to predict children’s media consumption and physical activity. Poster, presented at the Masterstudierenden und Doktorierenden– Kongress (MaDoKO), Zurich, Switzerland.

Schenkel, K., Neuheuser, K., & Vogt, J. (2017-March) Power-ap(p): A motivating application for strength training and stress reduction. Poster presented at TeaP 2017, Dresden, Germany.


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