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Department of Psychology Developmental Psychology: Childhood and Adolescence

Science Communication

Our team is involved in various community and outreach events on topics of the human brain, brain development, the importance of early childhood from a neuroscientific perspective or science communication. Our SNSF- and Cogito-funded science outreach initiative Growing Brains aims to generate public knowledge and create awareness around the developing brain. Furthermore, science communication includes a personal science communication blog.

Selected outreach examples include:

  • 2024: Talk by Nora Raschle on "Wieso unser Gehirn Geschichten braucht" at the SIKJM Jahrestagung [ more ]
  • 2024: Open Theatre Session discussing the topic of "Science Literacy: How the Neuroscience Community Can Contribute" at the FENS Forum 2024 in Vienna, organized by the FENS-KAVLI Network of Excellence and chaired by Nora Raschle with panelists Julia Serong, Emma Yhnell, Selahattin Danisman, Christian Bertsch, Sabine Gysi
  • 2024: Article "Die Entstehung des sozialen Gehirns" by Nora Raschle, Elena Federici, and Sabine Gysi featured in the Marie Meierhofer Institut's magazine "undKinder", edition 113. [ more ]
  • 2024: Nora Raschle featured in the CSS customer magazine on the topic of "Youth + Dreams" with the following contributions: a double-page spread on the miracle of the brain, an interview on the superpowers of youth, a round-table discussion on the subject of “dreams throughout the course of life”, and a quiz on neuromyths. [ more ]
  • 2024: Lecture by Nora Raschle "Development & Brain" at the Gymnasium Bäumlihof Basel, organized by Volksschulen der Primarschule Hirzbrunnen
  • 2024: Talk by Nora Raschle at the Research Conference "Weinen, lachen, trotzen - Junge Kinder und ihre Emotionen" by the Marie Meierhofer Institut für das Kind [ more ]
  • 2024: Co-creation workshops Growing Brains with several school classes (Sekundarschule, Bezirksschule, Gymnasium) and at this year's [BrainFair]
  • 2023: Zukunftstag (Oerlikon and Irchel): Workshops on brain development as well as a Growing Brains co-creation workshop
  • 2023: Public workshop "Time to Socialize" by Nora Raschle at the Collegium Helveticum  [more
  • 2023: Lecture by Nora Raschle "Der Spurt nach der Geburt" as part of a series by the Volkshochschule Zürich [more
  • 2023: Presentation for "Elternbildung Wetzikon": "Development - What happens inside your head?" [more
  • 2023: 10 questions for Nora Raschle by the LIFE Newsletter [more
  • 2023: Rendez-vous. Forschende im Gespräch: Conversations on the developing brain and related topics to co-create content for our science outreach initiative Growing Brains  [more]
  • 2023: Scientifica Zurich: Joint workshop on stress and resilience with the STRESS consortium [more]
  • 2023: BrainFair Zurich: Workshops and presentation for children; participation in a discussion panel  [more]
  • 2023 - 2025: Growing Brains - a science outreach initiative [more]
  • 2022: Online Congress Early Childhoood Switzerland  [more]
  • 2022: Presentation at the ERFA Convention in Bern
  • 2022: Presentation for the Rotary Club Bern
  • 2022: Anniversary 125 years Department of Psychology UZH: Workshop for children "Insights into the brain: methods and experiments" [Website]
  • 2022: UZH Magazin 3/22, focus article on the learning brain by Roger Nickl, featuring research by our lab and others [Article on Issuu, starting page 26]
  • 2022: Café Scientifique by Life Science Zurich and Science et Cité
  • 2022: "Schweizer Jugend forscht" (member panel of experts)
  • 2021: Scientifica: "Wie lernen Mensch und Maschine?" [Website]
  • 2021: Podcast episode for SciComm Palaver [Podcast]
  • 2021: Brainfair “Manchmal braucht es MR Superhelden” (school program)
  • 2021: Brainfair, public talk in the series “Das Gehirn in Zeiten der Pandemie” [Video; starting at 0:21]
  • 2020: Chapter in the Frontiers for Young Minds Collection "Everything you and your teachers need to know about the learning brain": "The Magical Art of Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Study the Reading Brain"
  • 2019: TED-style inspirational talk at the Teacher Campus Seminar Series 2019 in Zurich [Video]
  • 2019: Science Communication workshop held at the World Conference of Science Journalists in Lausanne
  • 2019: Interview with Jacobs Foundation: "Science and Research Never Stop to Change" [PDF]
  • 2018: Video “How the brain develops, grows, and learns throughout our lives” (BOLD Blog) [Link]
  • 2017: “Fachtagung: Kindertagespflege – Starke Bildungspartner für Familien und Jugendämter“, Kassel, Germany 
  • 2017: Presentations on early brain development for Primokiz2.
  • 2017: Presentations on early brain development at the national Ready! coalition meeting in Bern.
  • 2017: Personal Video Statement – Jacobs Foundation Research Fellow [Video]
  • 2016: Interview about Paediatric Neuroimaging, University Homepage [Link]
  • 2016: Explaining Brain Research Through Star Wars, SciFive (University Blog) [Link]

The subtabs contain some of the science communication efforts conducted by Nora Raschle & team (for
