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Department of Psychology  Clinical Psychology with Focus on Psychotherapy Research

TIDe: Telephone Intervention for depression

A project for improving access to evidence-based treatment for depression: Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of TIDe, a telephone intervention for depression in primary care.


The General Practitioner (GP) is often the one and only contact for patients with depressive symptoms. Referral to psychiatric services is low, in Switzerland approximately 13%. In total two thirds of patients remain untreated, despite the option of effective treatments. Integration of evidence-based and intensity appropriate treatment for depression into primary care implies optimisation of treatment pathways and outcomes. Despite the availability of evidence-based treatments for depression, structural and individual barriers to access treatment exist. Telephone-delivered therapy could be an effective way of overcoming these barriers and shows promising results in international trials. However, further effectiveness trials and an implementation in the Swiss health care system need to be conducted.

TIDe (Telephone-Intervention for Depression) is a randomised controlled trial aiming at investigating the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of telephone-delivered psychotherapy compared to treatment as usual (TAU) in primary care. GPs screen and diagnose patients at risk for depression and invite eligible patients to participate. Patients in the intervention group receive a short-term manualised CBT consisting of 10-12 telephone sessions, carried out by a licensed psychotherapist. Patients in the control group receive text messages with information on depression as well as treatment as usual.

The primary outcome will be assessed at 12 months follow-up and is defined as change in symptom severity, which will be assessed with the German version of the Patient-Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9). Secondary outcomes include effectiveness of telephone-delivered psychotherapy in terms of response, remission and health-related quality of life as well as its cost-effectiveness.


Project lead and contacts:


First name

Last name



Prof. Dr.



Principal Investigator




Study Coordination

Prof. Dr. Thomas Rosemann,
Prof. Dr. Hans-Helmut König,
Prof. Dr. Karl Wegscheider


Institute of Primary Care, University of Zurich,

Department of Health Economics and Health Services Research, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf,

Department of Medical Biometry and Epidemiology, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf





Project duration:

From: 06/2015

To: 06/2019