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Department of Psychology Social and Economic Psychology


News list

  • New publication: "Decision-makers self-servingly navigate the equality-efficiency trade-off of free partner choice in social dilemmas among unequals"

    New paper published in the Journal of Economic Psychology.

  • New publication: "The multiverse of universes: A tutorial to plan, execute and interpret multiverses analyses using the R package multiverse"

    New paper published in the International Journal of Psychology.

  • New publication: "Cooperation and social organization depend on weighing private and public reputations"

    New paper published in Scientific Reports.

  • New publication: "The nasty neighbor effect in humans"

    New paper published in Science Advances.

  • New publication: "On being unpredictable and winning"

    New paper published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

  • New publication: "Increasing the practical relevance of management research"

    New paper published in Business Horizons.

  • New publication: "Partner choice and cooperation in social dilemmas can increase resource inequality"

    New paper published in Nature Communications.

  • New publication: "A song of sorrow (and of hope) about the state of personnel and human resource management science"

    New chapter published in Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management.

  • New publication: "Group formation and the evolution of human social organization"

    New paper published in the Perspectives on Psychological Science.

  • New publication: "A 'More-is-Better' heuristic in anticommons dilemmas: Psychological insights from a new anticommons bargaining game"

    New paper published in the Journal of Economic Psychology.

  • New publication: "Gone Fishin’: Addressing completeness, accuracy, and representativeness in the search and coding processes of meta‐analyses in the organizational sciences"

    New paper published in the Journal of Business and Psychology.

  • New publication: "How well are open science practices implemented in industrial and organizational psychology and management?"

    New paper published in the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.

  • New publication: "Learning rules of engagement for social exchange within and between groups"

    New paper published in PNAS.

  • New publication: "Discriminatory punishment undermines the enforcement of group cooperation"

    New paper published in Scientific Reports.

  • New publication: "The evolution of universal cooperation"

    New paper published in Science Advances.

  • New publication: "Anticipatory threat mitigates the breakdown of group cooperation"

    New paper published in Psychological Science.

  • New publication: "Conflict misperceptions between citizens and foreigners across the globe"

    New paper published in PNAS Nexus.

  • New publication: "Why do people follow social norms?"

    New paper published in Current Opinion in Psychology.